Who Am I

Hello there.  My name is Brenda Kenton and I am just a GenXer trying to navigate life between working and living. Follow along as I try and transition to a job that lets me live like I’m retired early…and a work, life and family life I’ve always wanted. Some of the areas I’ll share about with tips, advice and inspiration are sewing, being a mom, nuances of life, party/event planning, ergonomics, safety and traveling.

My life has had some ups and downs, like anyone else, however the twists and turns are the areas that compel me to share and be the individual I am today.

I absolutely love the life I have right now and I am looking forward to my future with my sweetheart. He’s amazing and treats me like a queen. I haven’t always felt that way, I have had times of depression too. Some of the hardest times have been losing my husband after 26 years together, losing a 26 day old daughter to SIDS, being diagnosed with cancer and a lumbar fusion, twice.

The hard times though are far outweighed by all the great/grateful times I’ve experienced. I raised three beautiful children, have six amazing grandchildren, am a cancer survivor, and have the most amazing boyfriend I could ever ask for.

With all my experiences and the places I’ve lived and worked, it has made me take note of life with varying vantage points.  I hope you will join me in this adventure and maybe you will want to share some of your experiences as well.